Open Water Swim

Our next swim is in Spring 2025

Join us at Whitmore Bay Lifeguard hut on the promenade at Barry Island. ///simple.curvy.stand

As long as you can swim 100m un-supported without stopping then we can help you. This isn’t a swimming lesson. If you want one of those go to Heathwood swim and tell Dave we sent you! You might even get a discount! The sessions are designed to get you more comfortable with the sea and everything that goes with that!

Cold water immersion, Sighting, Currents, Waves, Tidal considerations, Drafting, Mass starts, Navigating around cans and buoys and generally enjoying a swim!


We also provide an experienced sea swimmer guide in each group to help once you’re out there. The sets are relatively small and we re- group at the end of each set to discuss, grow and learn. The session is about 60 minutes and you will be in the sea for about 45 mins total. You will need goggles, a swim hat and a wetsuit. If you are a skins swimmer then you need to get in touch with me so that we can discuss your skins experience and capabilities. We advise people to book on quickly as we limit the session numbers to get the best engagement.

Other than signing on to the event there isn’t that much admin apart from reminding you to read the Terms and Conditions and have a next of kin contact number for us and whisper in our ear if there is anything medical we need to know about you … so sign up, pay up and get your swim on!

Stay tuned for updates and follow us for more info🤙

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